Elevated Roasting:
The Science & Spirit

Discover the secret behind our coffee's vibrant flavors: Jackson Hole's high-altitude roasting. At these elevations, reduced atmospheric pressure and oxygen lead to distinct roasting dynamics. This synergy of nature and science captures the spirit of our mountains in every cup.

Less Pressure:
Cooler Roasts, More Flavor

When you're higher in altitude, there's less pressure in the air. Because of this, water doesn't need to get as hot to boil. So, when roasting coffee in these places, the beans can be roasted at cooler temperatures. Coffee experts agree this method brings out better flavors and smells.

High-altitude roasting unlocks nuanced flavors, enhancing the bean's essence.

Less Oxygen:
Maintain Coffee's Freshness

Think of an apple slice turning brown when left out—that's oxidation. At high altitudes, the lower atmospheric pressure means less oxygen. This results in reduced oxidation. So, when roasting coffee at these heights, there might be less of that "browning" effect on the beans, helping to keep flavors fresh.

Dry Altitude Air:
Preserving Bean Quality

Higher places often have air that's less moist, kind of like the difference between a humid summer day and a dry winter one. This dryness is good for coffee roasting and storage because moisture can mess with bean quality.